Look who's 1!
It's been sort of a rough-and-tumble week for us...two ER visits, two pneumonia diagnoses...antibiotics...high fevers...LOTS of staying indoors....BUT....It was birthday week at our house! So however feebly it was celebrated, we like to do birthdays big. And my baby turned 1. Much revelry was had. Many noses were wiped.
We thought that Blake was on the up-and-up, so we were happy to get him all gussied up for his birthday dinner. We made him a cake (well, we made us a cake, too...but you know...he needed his own), we lit the candle, we sang the song....and Blake didn't want anything to do with it.
heeeeeeeeeeeeeeere it comes!
Taking stock.
Stuck my finger in the cream...
The cream only made it to his face because I put it there.
I thought maybe a spoon would help him...I poked around a little to get it started.
...but he only wanted to feed me. And to be honest, I was happy to oblige.
I make a pretty darn fantastic chocolate cake.
The epilogue, though, is that he was diagnosed with croup the very next day at his well-visit. That would explain a lot about his attitude toward my cake. I'm glad I didn't have to take it personally.
Ian has filled out NCAA brackets since he was less than 1 month old*. This year, he wanted to make some of his own....he sat busily for quite a while...we talked about teams (he seems to have a preference for Wisconsin, Tennessee, Bucknell, Marquette, and BYU), we talked about what the word 'abbreviation' means....and then he proceeded to score his brackets. IT WAS AWESOME.
We've been trying to give Ian some more responsibilities around the house--including making his bed. He told me this morning, though, that he needed a little reminder. I suggested making and decorating a sign...and he was all over that.
(March 17, 2006)